PNKSLM Recordings last band, Pinemen, sounds different than the other roster bands and this is because there is no trace about the dirt of Lucern Raze or The Castillians, also neither the lo-fi of The Foetals, to name a few examples.
Since 'Essence Of Easy Going' starts you know you're listening special also listened in the last weeks, but it's not clear until the psychedelic style cover their sound, and there it is, Tame Impala, and to be exact, sounding as "Currents", the last album of the Australian guys.
But there is more, because when the 60's-70's storm passes, they develop a post-punk which brings to mind Joy Division, and with a surprised face, you look their promotional shot where they look like young guys and you know this is their debut single which will be included in their eponymous debut EP, out in November 2015, and this is the moment when a permanent ear-to-ear smile gives way to the surprise.