Infinity Girl - Harm

Nolan, Kyle, Mitchell and Sebastian are Infinity Girl, band based in Brooklyn, NY, after they have been part of the Boston underground scene, filling their life with a different musical lessons until today, the day when Topshelf Records releases "Harm".

The opening flutes from 'Hesse' disappear quickly to make way for an intense a noisy shoegaze, gradually losing its identity to the detriment of Speedy Ortiz and a poppy grunge, reaching madness through the 'Where Is My Mind' Pixies guitars, also founded in 'Firehead', sounding with a space psychedelic accent which highlight the depressive lyrics tone from Yuck.

'Locklaun' reaches the high level of distortion and fuzz, so fashionable in the 90's thanks to bands like Nirvana, downloading their powerful to present 'Hold', a song where the most important thing is to get the message as the same time as Menace Beach are showing their sound decay. Following the downslide, 'Not Man' is a pop full of makeup interchanged with the previous psychedelic to draw a pink world.

This vanishes when the 'Liner' depression is installed thanks to this ambiental drone landscape where the hopes fall apart how well 'Heavy' portraits, after they looked like they wanted to honor 'Not Man'. 'Dirty Sun' takes the Sonic Youth way with a ramshackle sound that echoes 'Young', with the Alex Trimble (Two Door Cinema Club) vocals.

Madhouse guitars mixed with grunge and shoegaze to create 'Musei' with this movie part without end to hook the synthesizer space invaders 'Around Me' to name this day as the Infinity Day.